Even when you are sending bulk direct mail the mail piece does not have to look like it is being send through bulk mail. Adding a stamp to a mail piece gives it a more personalized and elevated look. There are stamps for standard/marketing mail, presorted first class and non-profit postage rates. All of these stamps look like regular first class stamps to the untrained eye, but allow you to qualify for bulk mail postage rates.
Below is an image of a first class forever stamp that most individuals use for personal correspondence
First Class Full Rate Forever Stamp
As you can see this stamp looks very similar to the standard mail, non-profit and presorted first class stamps below. The designs are a bit different and the wording at the bottom of the stamp is different, but to the untrained eye they look like regular stamps.
Standard/Marketing Mail Presorted Stamp
Non-profit Stamp
Presorted First Class Stamp
Typically we see stamps used on letters and invitations to help the mailing piece look a bit more personalized but these stamps can be affixed to any bulk mailing. Using these stamps you can get the same bulk mailing rates that you would normally receive using a permit indicia or applying a postage meter.
The variety of presorted stamps available is limited, especially for larger rolls which can be affixed by machine, but the ones available do look similar to most full rate first class stamps.
Using stamps is a great way to elevate the look of your mail piece and get a bit more attention at the mailbox.