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USPS Informed Delivery Customization

USPS informed delivery is a free service where the USPS can will send you an email with what will be arriving in your mailbox. This service provides redisendtial consumers with a great opportunity to see their mail ahead of time and track important mail and packages. This also provides a great opportunity for marketers to add additional content and touches to the consumer.

Typically Informed Delivery scans all letter size pieces and provides a black and white scan of the address side of the mail piece. Action Mail can provide the USPS with a color image to replace the black and white image, helping your piece stick out. This also allows for flat size pieces to be viewed in the informed delivery email which otherwise would not be available. Action Mail can also add a smaller ride along image which has a clickable link directing the recipient to the url of your choice.

Informed Delivery is a great service and the amount of household using the service is growing quickly. We highly recommend that you try informed delivery for your personal use as well as take advantage of customizing informed delivery for your mailers.

Action Mail is offering a promotion where we are linking color images of the mail piece and links to your mailing FREE of charge for your first informed delivery mailing. We hope this will give you the opportunity to test out informed delivery customization and see if it will work with your direct mail campaign.

Avoid COVID-19 Screen Fatigue with Direct Mail

During the lockdown people are spending an incredible amount of time in front of computer and phone screens.  All this time can lead to a condition called Screen Fatigue,  common symptoms are blurry vision , double vision , bloodshot eyes , stiff neck and pain in your spine.

A good break from your screen is a trip to the mail box.

Now is an excellent time to utilize direct mail as there is very little competition in the mail box and consumers are eager to see what waiting for them in their mail boxes.

Direct Mail is a great tool to use in order to inform customers of your operational procedures during the reopening phase. Targeted lists can find your ideal customer in the in a specific geographical area,  for example within a certain radius of your facility.

Now is an excellent time to use direct mail , either cards letters or catalogs to get ahead of the game and build some excitement as people prepare to get back to work and in to stores as soon as the lockdown ends.

Quick Turnaround for COVID-19 Coronavirus Printing and Mailing Notifications

With the COVID-19 Coronavirus global pandemic Action Mail knows how important it is to get COVID-19 Coronavirus notifications printed and mail with a quick turnaround. Action Mail will do all it can to support organizations who need to provide notifications about the Pandemic including insurance updates, medical notifications, and financial notices.

Due to the nature of the printing and mailing of important communications Action Mail will continue operations as long as allowed by health officials. With all the misinformation and uncertainty we know how important receiving notifications from reputable sources is and we are committed to helping organizations communicate to their employees, policy holders, client, etc through print and mail.

We also know the urgency to get this communication to stakeholders as quickly as possible and will do whatever we can to meet your expedited timelines and offer solutions to ensure your print and mail communications get delivered as soon as possible.

While committed to delivering important communications we are also trying to remain isolated and following CDC guidaince. We are also working closely with the USPS and have continfency plans in place. We are doing all we can to help during these difficult times so if there is anything we can assist with please contact us

Mailing Advertising During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

The USPS (United States Postal Service) is still operating even during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and direct mail is a great way to communicate and advertise during this crisis. As more people are not leaving their homes getting the mail is an important way to keep informed and communicate with the community.

For example there are lots of local restuarants that are offering pick up and delivery services, but the public is not aware of which ones are. Creating a direct mail campaign with an offer can help local businesses while also helping local residents know locations that are still open.

Action Mail is here to support businesses during this difficult time and are doing what we can to reduce costs and help business reach their customers. We are remaining open as long as possible to ensure that important notification mail like insurance and cobra notifications are sent and also are here to support and help the community

San Diego Direct Mail Discounts

Action Mail can get you discounted postage rates for direct mail going to San Diego. Action Mail can do this by accessing USPS postage discounts for delivering mail to local processing centers in San Diego.

Action Mail can provide discounted USPS postage rates by doing the post offices work for them, by sorting and barcoding the mail so it can be processed quickly and efficiently by the USPS. The USPS gives additional discounts on marketing and standard mail if the mail house delivers the mailing to a local post office. Action Mail has at least one delivery a day to the main sorting facility in San Diego which will get mail going to San Diego an additional discount. This additional discount can be up to $0.04 per piece. Not only does delivering local mail in San Diego to the main sorting facility save money but it will also reduce delivery time.

If your mail is not going to San Diego, Action Mail will analyze your list and see if it is cost effective to deliver to another local post office. Action Mail can drop ship anywhere in the country for affordable rates so if there are opportunities to reduce cost and increase deliery time we will let you know about the options. Action Mail will always process your mailing list to get the lowest postage rate the list qualifies for.

Coronavirus and USPS Direct Mail

Coronavirus is currently not effecting USPS Direct Mail. Communication from the USPS indicates that there are no interuptions in domestic service and all mail is being delivered as normal. The coronavirus outbreak is actually a good time to send direct mail pieces as people are staying home.

Shipments to China Effected by Coronavirus

The USPS has a temporary suspension of the guarantee on Priority Mail Express International destined for China and Hong Kong, which has been effective since Monday, Feb. 10, 2020. There may also be delays in mail and packages going to and from China.

Can Coronavirus spread via USPS Mail

As far as we understand, no. The CDC states there is likely very low risk that COVID-19 can be spread from products or packaging shipped from China, because of poor survivability of coronaviruses on surfaces.  Also, according to the CDC, there currently is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods; and there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods.

Will Coronavirus effect USPS Mail Delivery

Currently coronavirus has not effected USPS mail delivery except for shipments to and from China. The USPS has specific protocols in place to provide safeguards for the USPS Postal employees which instruct employees to stay at home if they have any symptoms and for managers to monitor sick time to see if a virus may be spreading. At the moment there is no delay or effect on domestic USPS delivery and processing.

A Good time to mail

With many people staying at home direct mail is a good medium to reach them and promote sales or provide important information.

The coronavirus is a fluid situation and we will continue to monitor it but as of now everything at the USPS is functioning as it should.

Database Errors, an overview of mistakes

When we process databases we scrub the data to look for incorrect addresses and moved addresses to correct any errors or mistakes in the database. We can correct a lot of different database errors but we cannot identify or fix them all.

What we can fix or identify:

Incorrect addresses or addresses that do not match the United States Postal Service database of addresses. Many times this includes spelling mistakes, incorrect suite numbers, inccorrect abbreviations, incorrect street numbers, etc.

Moved addressess. We can identify moved addresses only if a change of address form has been provided to the USPS within the last 48 months or if the address has been reported as

Duplicates. If you would like to remove duplicates please inform us and let us know how you would like to remove them. Please let us know if you want to remove one per person or one per an address and if you would only like to remove exact matches. Since there are so many variations and each person has different strategies with their databases we typically only remove duplicates if requested.

What we cannot fix:

Incorrect names. If the wrong name is associated with address we will not be able to correct this issue. Many times we see issues like this when a cell is deleted and the entire data is shifted. Unfortunately there is no way for us to know if the name is correct without trying to append names to the data and comparing them with the list, but even then this would be difficult.

Moved address that did not file a change of address. We cannot fix moved addresses that have not filed a change of address or have moved over 48 months ago.

Can you send Bulk Mail on President's Day

The United States Postal service is closed on President’s Day but some bulk mail is still accepted and processed. The USPS does not deliver mail on President’s Day and most post offices are closed, but for bulk mail there are a few exceptions. Some post offices are open to accept bulk mail. No postage payments can be received so all funds will need to be in the permit prior to the holiday. These post offices that are open are short staffed so mail may not move like it would otherwise but it should still get a head start. For time senstive and first class mailings President’s Day does not count as a processing day for the USPS.

In most cases it is best to schedule bulk mailings to deliver to the post office before of after holidays but for rush mailings like political mailings we can work with you to determine which post office we would be able to deliver to.

Politcal Printing and Mailing In San Diego

Action Mail is your one stop shop for Politcal Printing and Mailing in San Diego. Located in San Diego Action Mail can get your political mailings delivered to San Diego county quickly to ensure messages get to voters prior to elections.

Action Mail can provide fast turn around printing and mailing for election direct mail campaigns. During elections getting your political messaging to voters at the right time is key to winning an election. Action Mail focuses on local elections in San Diego delivering political mailings to local San Diegan post offices to reduce postage costs and USPS delivery time.

Action Mail can help you with direct mail as well as any other printing including door hangers, flyers, banners, yard signs, postcards, and any other collateral or printing needs to help with your political campaign. Contact us to get an estimate and turnaround times for your political printing and mailing

Mailing a Booklet or Folded Self-mailer without tabs

The USPS has rules that require certain size booklets and folded self-mailers to have tabs or affixtures to seal the mail piece. Any piece that is considered a letter size piece that has any folds will need tabs or be required to mail as non machineable. These tabs or closures help ensure that the mail piece does not open in the USPS automated machinery and can run smoothely. Affixing tabs increases the mailing cost and can effect the recipients’ experience.

There are some ways to avoid adding tabs but it depends on the mail piece design and where it is going as removing tabs or changing the piece design can also increase postage costs significantly. If the mail piece is a letter size and has folds then it will need tabs. Removing them will result in the piece being labeled as non machinable with a significant postage surcharge. The way to avoid using tabs is to make the piece a flat. Flats do not require tabs, but the postage may increase significantly depending on the sort. Typically we only recommend doing this if the distrubtion of addresses is very saturated.

To make the piece a flat there are a couple options. The first is to incease the length of the smallest side to larger than 6.125" inches. The second option is the rotate the address block so that it is on top half of the mail piece parrallel to the shorter side when the fold on the longer side is in your right hand.

This is a bit confusing so if this is something you are looking into please contact us to go over the options, design, and if this would make sense for your mailing list.

Problems with EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)

EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is a serives the USPS has made in an attempt to reduce mailing costs. After doing hundreds of EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) mailings we know that the iniative is not perfect and we have seen lots of issues with EDDM. At Action Mail we prefer carrier route saturation mailings which often tend to be more cost effective, but are happy to help with EDDM campaigns in you prefer.

Below are a few problems we see with EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail):

Delivery: We often see that some EDDM pieces do not get delivered. An EDDM piece does not have an address but instead depends on the postal carrier to provide one piece to every address on their route. We have seen that sometimes route quantities published by the USPS or inaccurate and there is nothing to safe guard against a carrier not picking up all of the mail or not delivering to a household. To avoid these issues we recommend an addressed mail piece. With an address the carrier has a specific location to deliver to and the piece is processed by USPS automated equipment making it much more likely that the mail piece will be delivered correctly.

Cost: EDDM mail pieces tend to cost more. EDDM requires bigger size mail pieces which cost much more to print. This additional printing cost often makes EDDM mailings much more expensive. The mail processing is much simpler but is more of a manual process, so it tends to be a bit less expensive, but any savings are erased by the higher printing costs. There are other mailing clasess where slightly smaller, more cost effective printing sizes are available.

Demographic Targeting: EDDM mailings need to be sent to everyone on a postal carrier’s route. This is great for some mailing campaigns, but many others would send mail pieces to people who would not fall into their target demographic. This can result in money wasted on printing and postage by sending to people who would not be interested in mail campaign. Action Mail can get very specific lists to target your ideal demographic.

Generic Mailing: EDDM mailpieces do not have a name or address on them and look very generic. Action Mail has seen a trend in increased personalization in mailing, and many times a piece without an address looks very generic and does not resonate with recipients. Action Mail can work with you to not only include an address on a mail piece but also additional variable information so that it is personalized for each recipient

These are a few of the problems we see with EDDM. Contact us to learn a bit more about the differences and what type of campaign we would recommend for you. EDDM can be a great resource and is cost effective way to mail large publications but it is not right for everyone as we have noticed many problems. Luckily there are other options which can mitigate these issues.

Quick Turn Around Political Mailings

With the mid-term election fast approaching the key to a successful political mailing campaign is to provide voters with relevant information at the correct time. With the political climate changing daily getting the most up to date messaging that will resonate with voters can make a big dfference.

At Action Mail we can provide rush turn around times of political mailers to help with your election campaign. Contact us with your specific campaign and turn around needs and we will make sure it gets in voters hands when you need it. We can work with you to balance costs and turn around times to make sure your political mailing gets in the hands of voters while still keeping within budget.

Let us know what you need and when you need and we will work with you to make sure your quick turn around political mailings are delivered on time and on budget.

Tips For a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

We often get asked what can mailers do to increase responses and have a successful direct mail campaign. Like any marketing we believe targeting the right people with the right message at the right time will lead to results. One of the most important aspects of a direct mail campaign is the list. If you do not target the correct audience no matter how good your offer and mail piece are you are likely to not get a great result. There are a few other tips below, but we recommend starting by targeting the right demographic.

Stand out in the mailbox

Make sure your piece stands out in the mail. This can be done by the size, material, variable data, or design of the mail piece but make sure that there is something to grab respondent’s attention. Depending on the budget

Make it easy to respond

One of the biggest mistakes is making it hard for respondents to act on your mailer. Make the deliverable you want easy for the respondent to see and act on. For example if your goal is to have them visit a website, put the website all over the card and make sure it is clear and easy to see and read.

Clear Messaging

Make sure your messaging is clear, easy to read, and directed toward the correct demographic.

Multiple Touches

Sending multiple mail pieces often helps increase the odds of arriving at the right time and futher promoting your brand and messaging

There are many things that can be done to get the attention of your target audience in the mailbox, but the most important aspect is targeting the right audience.

USPS 2020 Postage Rate Change

The USPS has a rate change effective January 26, 2020.  Most rates will stay the same or remain similar.  The biggest change will be in the package and parcel shipping rates.  Bulk mail is increasing by 0-1.5%. First class package and priority mail are increasing by about 2-3%.  Below is a breakdown of all the different classes of mail and the rate changes in each.  Within each class there are variations in the price change but the information below can give you a general idea of how rates will change.

Action Mail-2020 Postage Rates.png

First Class Mail USPS Postage Rates (Letters, Postcards, and Flats)

The rate of first class stamp will remain the same, 55 cents.  Full rate letter, flat and postcard rates will also remain the same.  The only change for full rate postage is that for flats over 1 oz, each additional ounce will cost $0.05 more.

First Class Presorted Mail USPS Postage Rates (Letters, Postcards, and Flats)

The first class presorted rates for letters increases on average $0.005 or about 1%.  This small increase is not uniform and will depend on the sort.  For first class presorted flats the rate has decreased slightly but similarly to the increase in full rate first class each additional ounce will cost about $0.05 more. Postcard rates will increase by about $0.003.

Marketing Mail/ Standard Mail USPS Postage Rates (Letters, and Flats)

Marketing Mail/ Standard Mail letter size postage rates are increasing on average by about $0.003 or about 1%.  The flat size postage rates are increasing by $0.005 or about 1%.  The rates that are increasing of the non-automation rate for pieces that cannot be processed by the USPS automated equipment.  These are increasing by about 2-5%, but at Action Mail we process most mail at automation rates unless by special request or if the mail piece does not comply with automation standards.

Non-Profit Mail USPS Postage Rates (Letters, and Flats)

Non-profit mail letter size postage rates are increasing on average by about $0.002 or about 1.5%.  The flat size postage rates are increasing by $0.005 or about 2%.  The rates that are increasing of the non-automation rate for pieces that cannot be processed by the USPS automated equipment.  These are increasing by about 2-5%, but at Action Mail we process most mail at automation rates unless by special request or if the mail piece does not comply with automation standards.

First Class Package USPS POSTAGE RATES

First Class package postal rates are increasing by $0.08 to $0.17 per package, depending on the weight and zone.  This is across all weights and zones and will result in a 2-3% rate increase.  Below is a chart of the difference in cost for each weight and zone.

2020 USPS First Class Parcel Rate Change

Priority Mail Package USPS POSTAGE RATES

Priority Mail will also increase about 2-3%.  For packages 1-2lbs in Zone 1-8 (domestic) the increase is small.  For heavier packages and packages being sent to zone 9 the increases are much more significant.  For larger packages and packages sent to zone 9 (US Territories) it may be more cost effective to look at a different carrier depending on timeline and specs of the shipment. Below is a chart of the difference in cost for each weight and zone.

2020 USPS Priority Mail Parcel Rate Change

If you have any questions or would like a more detailed analysis for your specific mailings please contact us.

Political Yard Signs

Action Mail can help with all your political and election printing needs including Political Yard Signs

Politcal Yard Signs

Action Mail offers quick turnarounds on yard signs and all political printing as we know election messaging needs to be relevant and can change. We can also deliver anywhere in San Diego County to reduce shipping delays.

Action Mail can provide sturdy Coroplast signs that can be printed on both sides. These signs are waterproof and stakes can also be provided to place the signs in any location.

Contact us to receive a quote for your specific political printing project.

Political Mailing San Diego

Mailing will play a big role in the primary and general election in 2020. It is important to start planning early so that when campaigns are ready to mail everything is setup to get mailings delivered quickly. With elections and political mailings campaigns and messaging can change quickly but it everything is prepared and planned mailings can get to voters in time with the right messaging.

Action Mail delivers mail to the main post office in San Diego to ensure fast delivery to households in San Diego. Action Mail will also evaluate your list to determine if a different post office delivery will reduce the postage cost and or delivery time. Action Mail will also tag mailings as political mailings to the USPS can easily identify them and expedite their delivery to arrive as soon as possible.

Action mail is always a resource for political mailings and all your mailing needs. Please contact us to learn more about how we can get your political campaigns ready and ensure they are setup to get the best postage rates and target the right demographic.

Holiday Mail Delivery

Action Mail would like to wish you a happy holidays! With the holidays come an sharp increase in mail volume which can have some unwanted effects. During this time we see an increase in lost or delayed mail as the increased volume increases the chances that mail will be lost or delayed and also puts strains on the carriers.

Below are a few ways to mitigate delays or losses:

Class and Carrier Choice: When sending mail or packages select the class and carrier which will give you the timeline, tracking, and insurance you need. For example USPS first class package service should arrive in 1-3 days, has tracking but if a package is lost you cannot file a claim.

Tracking: If you are worried about timing during this season be sure to include tracking barcodes. You can even request tracking be put on first class and standard mail bulk mailings. Though it is not as robust this tracking can at least give you an idea of where the mail is in the mail stream.

Cleaning Data: Ensuring your data is clean will help the USPS and other carrier sort and deliver your mail quickly on their automated machinery. Action Mail can CASS certify and run your list through the National Change of Address to help increase the accuracry of the mailing

Planning: Knowing the holiday season is difficult for carrier like the USPS trying to add a bit more time in your timeline for mail to be delivered is always recomended.

Contact us with any questions or to see how we can help track down lost packages or mitigate any issues during the holidays.

Happy Holidays

Shiparoo Partners with ShipStation

We are proud to announce that our sister company Shiparoo ( has partnered with the #1 shipping software of online sellers ShipStation.


The ShipStation platform imports orders from wherever you sell: Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart, your own shopping cart, and over 60 other selling channels.  The platform is also compatible with 30+ domestic and international carriers.  The ShipStation platform also allows you to promote your brand on notification emails, tracking pages, labels, and more.

This partnership allows Shiparoo and Action Mail to leverage the ShipStation platform to provide best-in-class fulfillment services. 

Contact Shiparoo to learn more about how we can integrate your fulfillment with ShipStation.

Is the United States Post Office open on Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day?

The United State post office does not deliver mail on Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples’ Day and post offices are closed to the general public. There are some USPS bulk mail entry units that are open and will accept bulk mail deliveries on Columbus Day and the USPS still processes mail during the holiday.

Bulk mailings can be delivered to some post offices during the Columbus Day / Indigenous People’s Day holidays but most post offices are closed and the USPS has smaller crews processing the mail so if your mail is delivered on Columbus Day you should still expect a bit slower delivery times. Contact us to see if your bulk mailing can be delivered to the post office or if you will need to wait to deliver on the next day.



This is often the key to a successful direct mail campaign.

Make sure you are targeting the correct audience for your business.

For example if you have a restaurant and most of your clients are from the local neighborhood it would be worthwhile to target the surrounding area with a saturation mailing around your location.

However if you are offering a specific service that is geared to a unique audience it will pay to refine your list using certain selections,  there are a number different selections you can use that will tailor the list to those people who are most likely to be interested in the service or product you are offering.


The Call To Action needs to be clear and unambiguous.

This can either be in the form of a limited time offer or an offer that drives them to your website where a special promotion will await them.


 First and foremost your design must comply with the USPS specifications, this will ensure that you pay the lowest postage rate and avoid any chance of the mail being misdirected.

You only have a few seconds to grab the recipient’s attention, the design needs to be eye catching and clear, avoid too much text and confusing images.

Emphasize the benefits to them and how they can easily get them.


 Work with your mail house to make sure you have enough time for printing and USPS delivery to meet the in home target date.

USPS delivery times for Marketing Mail (Standard Mail) vary depending on the distance the mail has to travel as well as the time of the year.  Your mail house should have a good idea of current delivery times and will help guide in establishing a time schedule.  It is also useful to add the additional service of mail tracking so that will know when the mail hits mail boxes.


 Use an outside person to proof read your piece.  Grammatical errors makes your piece look unprofessional and incorrect dates and pricing can be costly.  Remember once it’s in the mail there is no going back.


 Before spending a lot of money it’s a good idea to test your mail piece.  Run small list with different designs and offers,  by monitoring the results of each mailing you will soon be able to see which offer and design is the most effective.